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Technical specifications

  • Dimensions mm: от 290 L x 350 P x 200 H
    до 290 L x 350 P x 700 H
  • Weight: from 4 kg to 6 kg
  • Air flowа m3/h: от 500 до 4000
  • Consumption: 10-11 W
  • Power supply: 230 V ~50 Hz

Sanitation of inner surfaces of air distribution ducts, CMV, fan coil units and ATU

Jonix inside devices prevent the formation of chemical and biological contaminants (molds, bacteria and legionella) on inner surfaces of distribution ducts and air treatment machines, and in the surrounding air. 
Sanitation takes place continuously, thus preventing dust deposits from becoming the ideal substrate for the development of mold and bacteria.


  • Innovative Non thermal /cold/ plasma technology
  • Compact, modular and easy to install
  • High efficiency
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Available in different models and sizing, according to the air flow
  • Suitable for various applications